dw podcast
dw podcast

LearnGermanonthegowithfreepodcastsfromDeutscheWelle.FromeverydayGermantoslowlyspokennewsreportstocompletelanguagecourses,justdownload ...,ListentoTheDWPodcastonSpotify.“TheDWPodcast,hostedbyDerekWatson,hasbeenrunningforjustoverayearandisalreadyon...



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Learn German with Podcasts

Learn German on the go with free podcasts from Deutsche Welle. From everyday German to slowly spoken news reports to complete language courses, just download ...

The DW Podcast

Listen to The DW Podcast on Spotify. “The DW Podcast, hosted by Derek Watson, has been running for just over a year and is already one of the hottest ...


How do you talk to others about language and language learning? And why is it so important to learn foreign languages? Let ok.danke.tschüss explain!

DW.COM Podcast

Listen to DW.COM, read its reviews and see all its charts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and more. See historical chart ranks, all reviews, and listen to all ...

Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten | Audios

Trainiere dein Hörverstehen mit den Nachrichten der Deutschen Welle von Mittwoch – als Text und als verständlich gesprochene Audio-Datei. 播放; 8 分鐘.

DW Noticias

Resumen noticias de DW, la emisora internacional de Alemania y una fuente confiable de noticias e información.


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LearnGermanonthegowithfreepodcastsfromDeutscheWelle.FromeverydayGermantoslowlyspokennewsreportstocompletelanguagecourses,justdownload ...,ListentoTheDWPodcastonSpotify.“TheDWPodcast,hostedbyDerekWatson,hasbeenrunningforjustoverayearandisalreadyoneofthehottest ...,Howdoyoutalktoothersaboutlanguageandlanguagelearning?Andwhyisitsoimportanttolearnforeignlanguages?Letok.danke.tschüssexplain!,Listen...